Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Seasons past bore witness to man's promise and folly, as seasons future will. What has been will be forgotten and what is to be will remain a distant memory for those who are yet to come. Evil and dark deeds will be done by humans veiling them in the shroud of secrecy whilst preaching good. Nature will witness and beseech in her own way man to stop, and yet why would we listen to the voice that has proven itself too dim in the face of temptation?

At this time in the human race, we have perhaps never had more reasons to question the collective purpose of our existence in the universe. Is it for science or religeon or a grand amalgm of the two that would lead us to a place where we no longer yearn in light of our own contentment? Or is that a place we will never reach?

Faith. Belief. Desire for salvation. Desire for satiation. Pleasure. Pain. Duality. Unity. To what hope can we entrust a desire for unity? Perhaps only that we may be the best human beings we can be, and that we may live our lives in a manner such that those touched by our lives may have their faith in the goodness of mankind reinforced.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound like a dreamer, a pessimist and an idealist all rolled into one.
Love that :)

And your woman, boy, she is one lucky girl!