Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The one thing leaders must be worthy of, is emulation based on faith in their character and in their ability to lead; to govern. Therefore, it is critical for us, the governed, to make the critical assessment as to who is, and who is not, worthy of emulation for their ability to lead and govern. If we fail in this capacity for want of time or the seeming futility of it; we are every bit as worthy of unsound or, worse, absent governance, by those that capitalize on such states of affairs to become elected heads unworthy of being called ‘leaders’. That state of affairs will worsen until destiny herself will weep at the state she must impose upon humanity; and it will be as ordained before the first man drew the first breath. And what then? A new dawn perhaps, or a change of will in the Omniwill. Eternal darkness upon this plain may not be such a bad thing if it leads to an amplification of the light of the One. For then the one will be eternally whole again. And to think, creation began with, and will end with, the Omniwill desiring as much.

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