Thursday, January 26, 2006

Creativity, in its rawest and purest forms comes in times when we are engaged in the creative process to the extent of being unaware of our selves. That expresses an interesting fact about the manner in which human beings create: Creativity is something that we, no matter how much we believe ourselves capable, are utterly incapable of commanding at will. Anyone who ever felt the need for a muse, for inspiration, would know. The other thing about creativity is that its companion is emotion. Our greatest moments of creativity and expression often take us by surprise, because they often come to us at times when we have entered into a state of heightened emotion, and are as such, are not really contemplating or thinking about 'being creative', just feeling the emotion. Therein lies point number three: The worth of creative expression, be it art, music, writing, or even just the verbal communication of an idea, always comes down to the ability of that expression to evoke an emotional response, a feeling, in both the creator and the one witnessing/listening/reading the expression.

Creative expression, even if it be only a mental formation of an idea or vision, is not a futile expression if it acheives feeling in any measure for either the creator or the person who perceives and cognitively processes that expression. This is because creativity is something that comes to us, it is not something we call up. To be creative is the opposite of being destructive. And if you agree with that, then you may also agree that to be creative, by virtue of being the opposite of being destructive, implies being good, and not evil.

This is not to say that if you are good you will be creative, in the same way that while a square is a rectangle, a rectangle is not a square. Goodness is the foundation of creativity. And that much is enough to actually render every human being a creative entity, in so far as we are all capable of appreciating that which moves us. So be happy in knowing that you are capable of smelling the flowers, thinking of a song to sing to your woman, and making her breakfast. That, my friend, is creative, and more so if you mean it. For creativity loves no emotion more than love. When love renders us ecstatic, creativity is there to aid our expression, as it is when we are pained by love.

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