Tuesday, December 13, 2011

True Love

Man may think he has known true love, but until he has had children and held them close, until he has felt their breath on his face, until he has seen the utter innocence, and consequent depth, of their love, he has not known true love. Merely a reflection and a lighter shade of it. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

We all have our reasons

We all have our reasons and we all have our destinies, and basically there is no difference between the two. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Human Nature

The problem with human nature is that idealism and striving to a higher purpose plays well with the mind of man in isolation. But put greed in the same room with hope and a sense of honour, and greed seems to always end up serving barbecued hope with sense of honour sauce at the McMansion.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Comfortable Insanity

The journey from comfortable insanity to reality is an uncomfortable one, but make no mistake, the destination is worth it.

The choice between staying comfortable in insanity and uncomfortable walking toward reality – is ultimately still a choice.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dreams with balls

This is how to live: even if a heartfelt dream is not meant to be, it should be so strong and pursued with such vigor that destiny herself is filled with tearful regret in ensuring its death.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Misplaced Allegiance

The best con is the mind and our concentrative capacity's misplaced allegiance to the ego. Because the mind and our concentration have only seen the fruits of worldly pleasure and achievement, they find it difficult to grasp the value of concentrating on the spirit and God. It is not their fault, it is the same as faulting a child for not seeing the value of something they cannot comprehend yet.

Grace alone can take the reins and guide these horses to their goal. All it asks of the feeble human is to rise in his bloodied state, and offer the reins to Grace.