Tuesday, April 25, 2006

There are many banes of humanity - greed, lust, anger, and the others. But the greatest one of all, the one that can, depending on the response to it, lay waste or inspire wonder, is boredom.

In managing, always seek to keep those you manage constructively engaged.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What on earth are passions, feelings and emotions for but to make us ever more perceptive of ourselves? Of these perhaps the greatest friend and foe is passion. It is entirely capable of being both the vehicle of our aspiration and the tool that sets our hand to actually fructify all that makes mankind good, and the beast that offers safe harbour to all that may be and is blackened in our hearts.

Passsion can elevate man to be the master of all good things, and it can subjugate him into servitude to its dark desires.

What then can man do to enable himself to become a vessel capable of harbouring and harnessing passions that elevate, and fortify himself against those that subjucate?

The answer lies within man. For eternity it has and will lay within him, placed there by the one who is the answer.