Friday, May 05, 2006

The material manifestation of the soul or spirit is life. If the soul is what animates life, one should be open to saying that the soul too, is a form of energy, but energy driven by an imperceived force, and not some man made force.

One may then say that life exists in various states throughout its state of existence. That is to say 'exists' apart from the actual force that actually determined the state in which it exists from time to time, be it termed 'God', the 'Divine', the 'Ultimate Force' or what have you.

Then assume that the two extremes of a life's state of existence are true order and true chaos. 'True' is used to denote the extreme states, rather than words such as 'complete', 'perfect' or 'utter', because the intention is simply to communicate that the two extreme states of existence are exact opposites of one another.

Now if the two extremes of existence are order and chaos, then mathematically one might say that order is a function of chaos, and that chaos is a function of order. In saying so one is simply saying that order and chaos are linked, in that order can be expressed in terms of chaos, and chaos can be expressed in terms of order.

The above can be notationally written as: Order = f(Chaos), and that Chaos = f(Order).

However, the above itself quite clearly does not imply that Order = Chaos. Yet, if we are to believe, through faith, whether in religeon or in science, that the total amount of energy in the universe is held in a balanced manifestation of order and chaos at different times by some unifying, ordering force; then perhaps we can also believe that that unifying force must somehow also be explicable. It appears that that is the quest of all science. To be able to explain everything - to be able to bridge Order = f(Chaos) with Chaos = f(Order), such that Order = Chaos then holds true to the mind.

That such a transformative condition exists may be accepted simply by believing in the notion that there is indeed some unifying force in Nature that binds all things, the energy of all things, inextricably, elegantly and harmoniously together. But perhaps the explanation , the look, the conception, the comprehension of this force, this ultimate energy, is something not destined for the mind - simply because it transcends and is greater than the spectrum the mind may witness and comprehend, and hence understand; and so because the spectrum the mind may take cognizance of is encompassed within the larger spectrum of this ultimate unifying energy.

So the question is: What can we to do, what are we to do; what must we do, to witness and understand that force, that energy, that animates all life and binds it harmoniously, incongrously, together?

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